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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Did you know?

1/16/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know wet materials start developing very serious problems, under the right conditions, in as little as 24 hours? Mold being one thing that can happen.

Did you know there are 3 types of water?

Clean water= this is usually from rain, condensation, leaking pipe to name a few. This water poses very little health problems with the clean up.

Grey water= this is slightly dirty water. Some examples are water from dishwasher, washing machines, and  clean toliets. You would want to wear protective gear to sheild you when cleaning up.

Black water= This water can be from sewage, flooding from rivers etc. It does not have to be black in color as the name suggests. This type can pose serious health problems when cleaning it up. This clean up should really be left to professionals. 

Did you know that if you find mold, whether it's been growing a short time or a long time, you need to be careful. Shut down any air flow and call a professional. If it is a small area, you can try to cut it out, bag it, and throw it away immediately.

Did you know that getting the water out is just the beginning. You need to also have the area dried right away using fans and or large capacity dehumidifiers. 

Did you know that porous materials, like carpet,insulation, carpet padding, fabric and similar items more than likely have to be thrown away. Water will permanently damage many of these things. 

Did you know that SERVPRO of Baltimore's Inner Harbor is an expert in water clean up. Call us if you have a water loss. We are here to help 24/7.


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